Detox: it’s the new buzz word. It’s being applied to almost everything. A social media detox. A detox from toxic friends. A screen-time detox. But mostly, it seems to be applied to food and body image. The idea is that by engaging in culturally demonized behaviors (such as eating too much, not exercising enough, or eating totally normal foods) we’ve built up excess toxins in our system. We’re then convinced these toxins can only be removed by consuming some pricey drink or engaging in an expensive activity. But, what’s the reality? Beyond the fact that our kidneys, livers, digestion system and skin are all designed to remove or keep out substances that shouldn’t be in our bodies, the marketing of many “detox” products can override this knowledge. Let’s chat about some of the popular detoxes and break them down.
Juice Cleanses
Ah yes, the cliché LA activity. This may have been one of the original detox trends and it’s definitely stuck around a while. Juice cleanses can come in multiple forms. Sometimes it’s buying a juicer and making your own juices at home as a substitute for meals. Sometimes it’s buying a regimen from a company to replace your meals for days, or replace a few meals a day for an extended period of time. The ingredients are usually foods with a lot of health benefits. Things like apples, oranges, lemon juice, celery, spinach, etc.. All of these foods are part of a healthy, well balanced diet. But, when you turn them into juice you take away some of the benefits of these foods.
The first component lost is the fiber, an important part of the digestive and satiety process. Fiber passes through your intestines during digestion, keeping the digestive system moving so that components of food we aren’t meant to absorb or byproducts of the digestive process can be eliminated (aka, actual detoxing). Fiber also slows the process of carbohydrate absorption into the blood stream during digestion. We want to digest most of our carbohydrates slowly because it keeps our blood sugar at a moderate level for a longer period of time. When we have things like juice exclusively, without any other components to slow digestion such as fiber, the carbohydrates reach our blood stream much faster and in a shorter period of time. This leads to a sudden rise in blood sugar, which is an imbalance for our system so our pancreas releases a high level of insulin. Insulin is the hormone that signals our body to store the blood sugar for later use. When high doses of insulin enter our system, this can lead to a crash in our blood sugar. Our body’s response to low blood sugar is low energy and feelings intense hunger, starting a craving for more juice.
The second component that’s lost in juicing is the physical process of eating. Our hunger and fullness is heavily influenced by the process of eating. The process of chewing signals our stomach to start producing the acids important for breaking down certain bonds in our food for the digestive process. The physical expansion of our stomach when it fills with these chewed food then cues production of the hormone leptin. Leptin is the hormone that tells our hypothalamus we feel full and no longer need to keep eating.
The third component lost in juicing is two of the key nutrients we need: protein and fat. Protein is required for the maintenance and repair of our muscles. Both the skeletal muscles we commonly think of and work in the gym, and also the smooth muscles that make up our internal organs and keep us functioning. Fat is an important aspect of our ability to function at a cellular level, maintain our hormone function and maintain our brain and nervous system function. Very rarely do juices contain fat and protein, and if they do it is in very small and incomplete components.
All in all, save your money and time. Juicing doesn’t provide any benefits except convenience in consuming micronutrients and leaving a lot to be desired. Eat your fruit and veggies the way you enjoy them, and with the fiber intact.
Skinny Tea
If you’ve heard of skinny teas, you’ve probably also seen a photo of an Instagram model or reality star posing in a bikini in a situation where nobody would wear a bikini (really, when was the last time you just sat on your kitchen counter in a bikini!?). There’s one thing I want you to know before you think you want to be like that photo: that tea is just a laxative. She’s in a bikini advertising that she induced diarrhea in an effort to look skinnier for an Instagram photo.
First things first, there are potentially serious health consequences to the abuse of laxatives. This includes dehydration, GI complications, dependence on laxatives resulting in fecal impaction and damage to the colon, nutrient malabsorption, and others. These can become very serious and permanently damaging and are not to be overlooked.
Secondly, the second you rehydrate and re-introduce food back into your GI tract, your stomach will return. For some people, the process of pooping excessively after drinking the tea may be an aversion to eating. AKA, you’re inducing illness to reduce intake rather than finding the intake balance your body requires to function. Yeah, not sustainable.
Third, there isn’t anything in your GI tract that will be removed by these teas that isn’t already in the process of being removed. Your GI tract is literally designed to absorb what you need from food, and eliminate the remaining waste from your system. It’s already detoxing for you, it doesn’t need a tea to do its job, let it work in peace.
Charcoal is a new, cool kid on the detox scene. It’s in waters, toothpastes, supplements, etc. And it actually has a base in medical practice. Charcoal blocks the absorption of potentially hazardous materials in your GI tract, hence why if you go to the ER after being poisoned they will likely use charcoal. But here’s the thing, it doesn’t go past your GI tract, and your body just eliminates it along with your poop. So, if you’ve already digested anything “toxic” it won’t help. If you’re actively digesting a poison, go to the hospital not Whole Foods. I cannot speak to charcoal in toothpastes. Toothpaste falls into your dentist’s expertise, not your dietitian’s or nutritionist’s expertise. But I have a feeling they’ll tell you the same thing; it’s an unnecessary waste.
Intense Heat/Sweat Workouts
Many great workouts involve high levels of sweat, and many great workouts don’t. But, when a workout or sweating activity promises to remove excess toxins from your body, that’s overblown. Yes, sweating is a way that your body eliminates some waste. However, sweating excessively in a hot room will not lead to higher “toxin” elimination than normal functioning. In reality, exercising in excessive heat can cause some damage. If you have lower blood pressure or cardiac issues it can be dangerous and lead to a loss of consciousness. It can also lead to dehydration. Working out in a hot room can also make your muscles feel looser than they really are, leading to over-extension related injuries. If you are medically cleared for intense heat activity and thoroughly enjoy some mental benefits that can come from these workouts or sauna sessions, then keep enjoying them while staying hydrated. But if you’re expecting to remove some imaginary toxin from your system, save your time and money.
Pills and Supplements
This category has way too many components to address every single one, so let’s break down some key things they all have in common. One thing to always keep in mind when considering ingesting a supplement of any kind is that in the US these are minimally regulated and untested. If a supplement advertises independent testing and you can easily look up the company or lab that independently tested them, then that will be a safer option to take and it is more likely you’ll get what you are paying for. With untested supplements, studies have repeatedly demonstrated that they don’t always contain what they are advertising they contain. For example, an organization called the Clean Label Project published a study in 2014 where they tested 134 of the top selling protein powders and found 75% had measurable levels of lead, and many plant based and/or certified organic powders had significantly higher amounts of heavy metals. While yes, protein powders are very different from vitamins promising healthier hair/skin/nails or to boost metabolism, keep in mind they are subject to the same lack of regulation.
This is not meant to scare you off of any supplements ever, there are health and lifestyle benefits to some supplements. For example, if you work indoors it can be incredibly challenging to get the Vitamin D you need in a day from food alone so a supplement may be required. Or if you’re rushing to get back to work after exercising, a smoothie with protein powder can be a great option. For vitamins or supplements always remember that A) labels are like politicians: a crazy promise will never fully be delivered on and B) independent testing from a company such as USP or the Clean Label Project is designed to let you know what you are putting into your body. You can check either of their websites for lists of brands they have tested and what the outcomes were.
So, What Now?
If this article left you with more questions than answers, don’t worry because we’re here to answer them. If you feel the urge to undergo a detox because you’re feeling sluggish, low energy, bloated, uncomfortable, or like your health routine is in a rut than that is a good indication you can benefit from working with a dietitian. When you meet with a dietitian you will go through a thorough interview, discuss your goals and motivation, your diet and medical history, your day to day lifestyle, etc. to determine if and where there are aspects of your diet and/or relationship with food that could be contributing to these feelings. Using evidence-based approaches, the dietitian will help find the changes that will improve your physical well-being and your relationship with food. Lifestyle modifications, not diets, contribute to lasting change so that you don’t have to spend the next twenty years going on and off cleanses that just leave you more vulnerable than they found you.